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Denfeld High Class of 1965 - Classmates

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Number of classmates: 501
Adameak, Raymond (Deceased)
Adams, Jean View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Aebli, Nancy (Deceased)
Allan, Barbara Email Address
Allen, Michael Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Alvar, Lawrence (Unlisted)
Alvord, Steven (Deceased)
Amell, Tom Mailing Address Email Address
Andersen, Dale View Photo Phone Numbers Business Website
Anderson, Carl Email Address
Anderson, Curt Phone Numbers Email Address
Anderson, Duayne (Unlisted)
Anderson, Errol Email Address
Anderson, Linda (Unlisted)
Anderson, Lynda (Deceased)
Anderson, Patricia (Unlisted)
Anderson, Terry (Deceased)
Anderson, Thomas (Unlisted)
Ankarlo, Gayle (Deceased)
Anstett, Larry (Unlisted)
Arthur, Sheryl (Unlisted)
Bail, Della Email Address
Barber, Dennis Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Barber, James Email Address
Bard, Delores (Unlisted)
Barker, James (Unlisted)
Bartz, Rick (Deceased)
Bateson, Steven Mailing Address Email Address
Becker, Don (Unlisted)
Bennett, Bradley View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Benney, Darlene Email Address
Berger, Barbara (Unlisted)
Biles, Terry (Deceased)
Bjorklund, Gregg View Biography (Unlisted)
Bjorlin, Susan (Unlisted)
Bjorlin, Sylvia (Deceased)
Bloomer, Bonnie (Unlisted)
Bodin, Alana Email Address
Booth, Robert (Deceased)
Borelli, Michael (Unlisted)
Bourgeois, James (Unlisted)
Brandt, John (Unlisted)
Brevig, Linda (Unlisted)
Brisbin, Richard (Unlisted)
Brock, Colleen Email Address
Brown, Gail Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Brown, Sylvia (Unlisted)
Buan, Lee (Deceased)
Bubacz, Larry Email Address
Buckmiller, Karen (Unlisted)
Bucsko, John Email Address
Budd, Sandra Email Address
Buell, Mary Email Address
Burger, Shirley (Unlisted)
Burleigh, Gordon (Unlisted)
Buttrick, Diane Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Cahill, Laurel (Deceased)
Caldwell, Nancy View Biography (Deceased)
Cameron, Doug (Unlisted)
Cameron, Tim Mailing Address Email Address
Cannon, Tom Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Carlson, Isabel (Unlisted)
Carlson, Judy (Unlisted)
Carlson, Mark Email Address
Carlson, Rose View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Carlson, Sandra (Unlisted)
Carlson, Sherm Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Carlson, Susan (Unlisted)
Carpentier, JoAnn Mailing Address
Castonguay, JoAnne Mailing Address Email Address
Center, Georgene (Unlisted)
Chilberg, Robert Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Chiovitti, Cecelia Email Address
Chipman, Patricia (Unlisted)
Christensen, Kathy Phone Numbers
Chumich, Georgeann (Unlisted)
Clarke, Sue Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Clock, Charlene (Deceased)
Connor, Mary (Unlisted)
Connor, Stephanie (Unlisted)
Cook, Kathleen (Unlisted)
Cooper, Patricia (Unlisted)
Cox, Arlene (Deceased)
Cubitt, Karen (Deceased)
Cummings, Donald (Unlisted)
Dandy, Sharon (Unlisted)
Danielson, Larry (Unlisted)
Dathe, Laurence Ben (Unlisted)
Debe, Mark (Unlisted)
DeChantal, Michael (Deceased)
DEEGAN, GARY (Missing)
DeGrugillier, Roger (Unlisted)
DePhillip, Rennae (Unlisted)
Deriemaeker, Pat Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
DeSalvo, Judy Email Address
Diebel, Don (Deceased)
Dizard, Charles Phone Numbers Email Address
Dolezilek , John (Unlisted)
Drake, William (Unlisted)
Duff, Pat Email Address
Durfee, Jeff Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Ebmer, Susan (Deceased)
Eggen, Dan Phone Numbers Email Address
Eider, Gerald (Deceased)
Eisenach, Gary (Unlisted)
Ekman, Gary (Deceased)
Elder, David (Unlisted)
Ellefson, Joanne View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Elmore, Robert (Deceased)
Elowson, Jane (Deceased)
Enebak, Sue View Biography (Deceased)
Engen, David (Deceased)
Erickson, Diana (Deceased)
Erickson, Linda Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Erickson, Rondi Phone Numbers
Erickson, Steve (Deceased)
Esler, Michael View Biography (Deceased)
Fabini, Richard (Unlisted)
Falender, Alicia (Unlisted)
Feriancek, Susan Email Address
Fermenich, Kendall (Unlisted)
Forsberg, Mary (Unlisted)
Freberg, Linda Email Address
Frederick, Judy (Deceased)
Fredricksen, Kathy View Biography Phone Numbers Email Address
Fredrickson, James Mailing Address (Deceased)
Freier, Janet View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Friedman, Fred Phone Numbers
Fullerton, Barbara (Unlisted)
Gafner, Carol View Biography Email Address
Gagne, Dale (Deceased)
Gagne, Larry Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Garlinghouse, Carol (Unlisted)
Gauthier, Lynn (Deceased)
Gellatly, Robert (Unlisted)
Gellerstedt, JoAnn (Unlisted)
Gernander, Scott View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address AIM Screenname
Giernett, Diana (Deceased)
Glapa, Alan (Unlisted)
Glass, Kirk (Unlisted)
Gowers, Sandra (Unlisted)
Gunderson, Joan (Unlisted)
Gustafson, Karen Email Address
Gustafson, Patricia (Unlisted)
Hackett, Dennis View Photo (Unlisted)
Halliday, Bruce (Deceased)
Hammer, Sandra (Unlisted)
Hammond, Marcia Email Address
Hannula, Carol (Deceased)
Hansen, James (Unlisted)
Hansen, Judy (Unlisted)
Hansen, Shirley Email Address
Hanson, Charlene (Unlisted)
Hanson, Gordon (Unlisted)
Hanson, Vicki (Unlisted)
Hastings, Julaine ( Julie ) View Biography Mailing Address Email Address
Hawkinson, Nancy (Unlisted)
Hemmerling, Roy (Unlisted)
Heskin, Bev (Unlisted)
Hetzel, Diane (Unlisted)
Hickey, Bonnie Email Address
Higgins, Diane Email Address
Hildbrandt, Rod (Deceased)
Hill, Carol (Unlisted)
Hill, Dennis Phone Numbers Email Address
Hill, Roger (Unlisted)
Hjulstad, Nancy (Deceased)
Holmberg, Allan Email Address
Holmes, Clyde (Unlisted)
Holmstrom, Richard Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Honkala, Cheryl (Unlisted)
Hooey, Kim (Unlisted)
Hoven, Michael (Deceased)
Howard, Robert (Deceased)
Hubert, Dan Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Hughes, Judy (Deceased)
Huhta, Judy (Unlisted)
Ignatius , Howard View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address MSN Screenname Personal Website Facebook Profile
Imhoff, Roger (Unlisted)
Isaacson, Jerry (Unlisted)
Isabell, Cheryl (Unlisted)
Isadore, Gerald (Unlisted)
Jablonski, Gregory (Unlisted)
Jablonski, Margaret (Unlisted)
Jacobson, Al (Unlisted)
Jahr, David Email Address
James, Cynthia Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Jannetta, Antoinette (Unlisted)
Jarvi, Robert (Unlisted)
Jezierski, Timothy (Unlisted)
Jobin, Patricia (Unlisted)
Johnson, Barbara A Mailing Address
Johnson, Barbara Ann Email Address
Johnson, Cheryl (Deceased)
Johnson, Connie Email Address
Johnson, David (Unlisted)
Johnson, Herlin (Unlisted)
Johnson, Kathleen View Biography (Deceased)
Johnson, Kent (Unlisted)
Johnson, Linda View Biography Email Address
Johnson, Rae Ann (Deceased)
Johnson, Robert View Biography Email Address
Johnson, Roger (Unlisted)
Johnson, Thomas M (Deceased)
Jones, Kathy (Deceased)
Jonland, Richard (Deceased)
Jordan, Kathy (Unlisted)
Kalm, Howard (Deceased)
Kangas, Robert (Unlisted)
Karppinen, Iris (Unlisted)
Katich, Mildred (Deceased)
Kehoe, Mike View Biography & Photo Mailing Address Email Address
Kelly, Charles (Deceased)
Kelly, Glen Email Address
Kempf, Claudia View Biography & Photo Mailing Address
Kerin, Roger Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
King, Robert (Unlisted)
Kirk, Judy Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address (Deceased)
Klepinski, Robert (Deceased)
Kohlts, William (Unlisted)
Kolquist, Robert Email Address
Kolu, Richard Email Address
Koski, Charlotte (Unlisted)
Koval, Kelene (Unlisted)
Krajewski, Robert (Unlisted)
Krantz, Connie (Deceased)
Krause, Gary (Unlisted)
Krause, Georganne Mailing Address Email Address
Kreager, Russell View Biography Phone Numbers
Kreidler, Jack (Deceased)
Kreidler, Mary Dale Email Address
Krusz, Gary Email Address
Kubiak, Judy View Biography Email Address
Kunasiewicz, Mary Mailing Address Phone Numbers
LaFlamme, William (Deceased)
Laine, James Mailing Address
Lally, Raymond Email Address
Lane, James (Unlisted)
Langevin, Steve (Deceased)
Lapcinski, Jerry Email Address
Larsen, Duayne (Deceased)
Larson, Gary (Unlisted)
Larson, Robert (Deceased)
Larva, Rod Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
LeDoux, Richard (Unlisted)
LeDoux, Sally Email Address
Lee, Patricia (Unlisted)
Lenroot, Margaret (Unlisted)
Liberty, William (Unlisted)
Lilliberg, Jerry (Unlisted)
Lindberg, Charles Email Address
Lindberg, Nancy (Unlisted)
Lindquist, David View Biography Email Address
Linnell, Keith Mailing Address Email Address
Linski, Sharla View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Lipinski, Scott Email Address
Listerud, Jim View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Lombardi, Richard Email Address
Lonke, Dennis (Deceased)
Love, Bonnie (Unlisted)
Love, Thomas (Unlisted)
Lucht, Birdena (Unlisted)
Ludes, Gary View Biography Email Address
Lundberg, Robert (Deceased)
Lundeen, Richard View Biography Email Address
Lyness, Nancy (Deceased)
MacDonald, MaryJane Phone Numbers Email Address
Madill, Richard (Unlisted)
Magnuson, Elizabeth (Unlisted)
Mahonen, John (Unlisted)
Makela, Karen (Unlisted)
Maki, Jerrold Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Marchand, Robert (Unlisted)
Marquette, Virginia (Unlisted)
Marshall, Bob View Biography Email Address
Marshall, Linda (Deceased)
Martin, Cheryl (Unlisted)
Mathisen, Gary View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Mathison, Nancy (Deceased)
Matson, Janice Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Mattson, Helen (Unlisted)
Mays, Mary (Unlisted)
McClernan, Daniel (Deceased)
McDonald, Richard (Deceased)
McGath, Holly (Deceased)
McIntyre, Ron Phone Numbers Email Address
McKercher, Doug (Unlisted)
McKowski, David (Unlisted)
McLean, Dennis (Unlisted)
McNeally, Larry (Unlisted)
Mehling, Roger Mailing Address
Melander, James Email Address
Michael, Rosemary (Deceased)
Mickelson, Avis View Biography Email Address
Mickelson, Roger (Unlisted)
Miller, Daniel Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Miller, Darlene (Unlisted)
Moe, Charles (Deceased)
Montera, John (Unlisted)
Morris, Mary (Unlisted)
Morrisey, Judy View Biography Mailing Address Email Address
Mosiniak, Carol (Unlisted)
Mowbray, Diane (Unlisted)
Mudek, Karen (Unlisted)
Myles, John (Unlisted)
Negard, Penny (Unlisted)
Nelson, Albert (Unlisted)
Nelson, Sandra (Unlisted)
Nelson, Sharon (Deceased)
Netzel, Richard (Deceased)
Nickila, John (Deceased)
Nieman, Joel (Deceased)
Niemi, Dennis (Deceased)
Nilsen, Fred (Unlisted)
Noponen, Dave Mailing Address Email Address
Nordeen, Gary (Deceased)
Norris, Ardelle (Unlisted)
Nosek, Dean Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address (Deceased)
Nygard, Kathleen (Unlisted)
Nyquist, Ann View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address (Deceased)
O'Connor, Lee (Deceased)
Oberg, Marlene (Unlisted)
Oesterreich, Joe (Unlisted)
Olafson, Claudia (Unlisted)
Oliver, Linda (Deceased)
Olsen, Virginia (Unlisted)
Olson, Bonnie Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Olson, Candace (Unlisted)
Olson, Diane (Unlisted)
Olson, Marilyn Email Address
Omundson, John Email Address
Opien, Patricia (Unlisted)
Opien, Paulette (Unlisted)
Ostrowski, Kathy Email Address
Paavola, LaVonne (Deceased)
Palmer, William (Bill) Phone Numbers Email Address
Panger, Lynn (Unlisted)
Parantala, Jeanie (Unlisted)
Parendo, Dennis Email Address
Patterson, Jeff Email Address
Patullo, Thomas (Deceased)
Paulick, Gary (Unlisted)
Paulu, Barbara (Unlisted)
Pavlich, Tim Phone Numbers Email Address
Pearson, Kathleen Email Address
Pederson, Jim (Deceased)
Pekkala, John (Unlisted)
Pelto, Richard Email Address
Penkert, Nancy Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Pensak, Patricia (Unlisted)
Peterson, Alvina (Unlisted)
Peterson, Bruce View Biography & Photo Facebook Profile (Deceased)
Peterson, Erling (Unlisted)
Peterson, Gordon Email Address
Peterson, Ronnie (Unlisted)
Peterson, Sandra (Deceased)
Petrich, Shelia View Biography Mailing Address Email Address
Pietrowski, Janis Email Address
Piippo, William (Deceased)
Pirkola, Tim (Unlisted)
Plys, James (Unlisted)
Plys, John (Deceased)
Pollard, Donald (Deceased)
Pringle, Georgeann (Deceased)
Puglisi, Carl Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Pursi, Linda (Unlisted)
Quade, James (Unlisted)
Quenemoen, Kristine (Unlisted)
Radig, Ed (Unlisted)
Ranthum, Duane (Unlisted)
Rawn, Peggy (Unlisted)
Reasor, Lynda (Unlisted)
Reinhart, Phoebe C View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Rich, Bonnie Email Address
Rich, Nannette (Unlisted)
Rich, Sandra (Unlisted)
Rieck, Sandra Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Rindal, Peggy (Unlisted)
Risku, Carol View Biography Phone Numbers Email Address
Roberg, Ardythe (Unlisted)
Robinson, Joyce (Unlisted)
Rock, James (Deceased)
Roehl, Leilani (Unlisted)
Rolla, Joyce Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Rorstrom, Charles (Unlisted)
Roseen, Betty (Unlisted)
Ross, Nancy (Unlisted)
Rosseau, John Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Rouleau, Nancy (Unlisted)
Runquist, John (Deceased)
Russell, James (Deceased)
Saari, Greg Email Address
Salmonson, Jack (Deceased)
Salo, Gary (Unlisted)
Sams, Larry (Deceased)
Samways, Floyd (Deceased)
Samways, Susan (Deceased)
Savage, Ann (Unlisted)
Sawyer, Sandra (Unlisted)
Scharnott, Thomas (Deceased)
Schindler, Janet Phone Numbers Email Address
Schlichting, Ronald (Deceased)
Schubert, Paul (Unlisted)
Schubitzke, Linda View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Schuman, Dava (Unlisted)
Score, Cheryl (Deceased)
Scott, Bruce (Deceased)
Scott, Gene (Unlisted)
Scott, Terrance (Unlisted)
Setterlund, Jack Email Address
Setterlund, Sandy (Deceased)
Shanks, Tim (Unlisted)
Shaw, Patrick (Unlisted)
Shearer, Gloria (Unlisted)
Shykes, Charles Email Address
Siepka, Regina (Unlisted)
Simell, Carol (Unlisted)
Sipos, Konstantin (Unlisted)
Sjoblom, John (Unlisted)
Skarman, Orval (Deceased)
Sletten, Todd Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Slordal, Lynn Mailing Address Phone Numbers YIM Screenname
Slowinski, Nancy Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Smith, Donella View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Smith, Judy (Unlisted)
Smith, Sandra (Unlisted)
Snyder, James D View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Snyder, James R (Unlisted)
Sobczak, Ron View Biography Email Address Personal Website
Soder, Raymond (Deceased)
Sorenson, Kathy Phone Numbers Email Address
St. Marie, Virginia View Biography (Deceased)
Stauffer, Violet (Unlisted)
Stauty, Carrol (Unlisted)
Stephenson, Rod View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Stone, Al (Unlisted)
Stoneburner, Dale (Deceased)
Stortz, Cheryl View Biography (Deceased)
Strand, Greg (Deceased)
Strine, Lavone (Deceased)
Strom, Paula (Unlisted)
Suer, James (Unlisted)
Suer, Marie (Deceased)
Sundeen, Thomas (Unlisted)
Suomala, Donald (Unlisted)
Swansen, Charlotte (Deceased)
Swenson, RaeAnn (Unlisted)
Taggert, Lavina (Unlisted)
Taival, Kathleen (Unlisted)
Talerico, Dan Mailing Address
Tasky, Linda (Unlisted)
Thompson, Dan Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Thompson, Norma View Biography Email Address
Thompson, Pamela Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Thornton, Roberta (Unlisted)
Thorstenson, Arlette (Unlisted)
Tillman, Gary Phone Numbers Email Address
Tjader, Terrance,   ( Terry) View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers
Toewe, Barbara (Deceased)
Toland, Gary (Deceased)
Tronsdal, John (Unlisted)
Trotta, John (Unlisted)
Trottier, Terry Phone Numbers Email Address YIM Screenname Personal Website
Trudeau, Judy (Unlisted)
Vack, Pete Email Address
Valure, Dan (Unlisted)
Vanderport, Norma (Unlisted)
Viergutz, Courtland (Unlisted)
Vizanko, John (Unlisted)
Vork, Larry (Unlisted)
Vork, Tim Email Address
Walczynski, Suzanne Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Walker, Bonnie Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Waller, Donald (Deceased)
Wallgren, Greg (Unlisted)
Watczak, James (Unlisted)
Watson, Sandra (Unlisted)
Watson, Wayne (Unlisted)
Watt, Carol (Unlisted)
Wedin, Julie View Biography Email Address
Weegman, Carol (Unlisted)
Welhaven, Chester (Deceased)
Wells, Bev View Biography Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Wick, Carol (Deceased)
Wick, Christie (Unlisted)
Wicklund, John Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Wicklund, Steven Mailing Address Phone Numbers Email Address
Williams, Barry (Deceased)
Williams, Larry (Unlisted)
Williamson, Charles (Unlisted)
Wotczak, Gerry (Unlisted)
Yeager, Susan Phone Numbers Email Address
Young, Linda (Deceased)
Youngstrand, Fred (Unlisted)
Youngstrom, Jeff (Unlisted)
Zalar, Robert (Unlisted)
Zanko, Betty (Deceased)
Zanko, Jennifer (Unlisted)
Zengel, Roland (Unlisted)
Zomerfelt, Judy Phone Numbers Email Address

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